Happy 12th Birthday Annie

Every year goes by faster than the last!  All of the sudden Annie is 12!


She’s had a busy year.  Here are a few highlights.



Saying goodbye to elementary school and hello middle school




Cougar Pants




Along with sports there are injuiries and she’s tried her best to catch up with her brother’s injury count. There was the track meet where she literally ran out of her shoes which resulted in a nice case of road rash

Then she decided to ramp it up a bit during basketball.  A finger sprain, a finger fracture and an ankle sprain.

Lots of fun with friends, old and new.

Spending time at her favorite place.



Fun times with family


Cousins are the most fun


And grandparents are the best

And then there was this goofiness

Happy Birthday Annie!  Can’t wait to see what happens this year!

But you can cool it on the injuires, okay.


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4 Responses to Happy 12th Birthday Annie

  1. Sally says:

    Happy birthday, Annie. I hear you need the recipe for dirty rice. Let me know or else you have to wait until July 4.
    Jody, good to read you again, always enjoyable. Sally

  2. Grammy says:

    Happy Birthday Anne. Hope you have a great day with a little dirty rice for good measure. Love you.

  3. Jim and Jane S. says:

    Wow, what a lot of good times…and many more to come. Happy birthday Annie from the Pagas.

  4. Kara McCarthy says:

    Hi Annie,
    So fun to see all the pics! and here’s to a great birthday for a special girl! Lots of love to you!
    The McCarthy Fam

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